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Mac のサーバにWebサービスをセットアップしようと試みた.

cvs も wget も入ってない.ソースとってきてコンパイルしようと思ったら make も gcc もない.箱に入ってたCDとかにパッケージが入ってるっぽいけどCDがどこにあるかわからない.

しょうがないので scp とか使ってごまかすことにする.


パスワードも含めた全ユーザ情報を移行するにはそのほかの要らないデータまで移さないとだめみたい.しょうがないのでパスワードはあきらめてユーザIDとかだけを移したら… パスワードの設定が変になっててログインできなくなったり.とりあえずパスワード欄を空にしたダンプで情報を上書きしてログインできるようにしたけど正しい設定の仕方でないような気がしてきた.もう少し勉強しよう.


Mac OS X のユーザとかの管理は NetInfo なるもので行われているらしい事を知る.とりあえずユーザ情報をダンプしてそれを写せばいいらしい.本当にうまくいくのかはよくわからんが…


Mac OS X のユーザ管理のしかたがよくわからんので旧サーバのデータを新サーバにうまく写せていない.ユーザ IDとグループIDの一覧のとり方さえわかれば何とかなるのだが… しゃあない,探すか.

リージョンを シェルコマンドの実行結果で置換3

整理してこんな形になった.まだ微妙にあやしいけどそのうちちゃんと elisp を勉強しよう.

(defun filter-command-region (start end command)
  "Filter region by a command. 
The region is passed to the command as input.
The region is overwritten by the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on region (filtering): "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command nil nil t))
(defun perform-command-region (start end command) 
  "Perform a command on region.
The region is passed to the command as input.
The region remains on top of the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on region: "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command nil nil nil))
(defun perform-command-region-comment (start end command)
  "Perform a command on comment-region.
The region is uncommented and then passed to the command as input.
The comment-region remains on top of the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on commented region: "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command t nil nil))
(defun perfom-command-region-interactive-func (msg)
"A general interaction function for perform-command-region-general..."
  (let (string)
    (unless (mark)
      (error "The mark is not set now, so there is no region"))
    ;; Do this before calling region-beginning
    ;; and region-end, in case subprocess output
    ;; relocates them while we are in the minibuffer.
    (setq string (read-from-minibuffer msg
				       nil nil nil
    ;; call-interactively recognizes region-beginning and
    ;; region-end specially, leaving them in the history.
    (list (region-beginning) (region-end)  string)))
;; perform a command on region.
(defun perform-command-region-general (start end command uncomment comment overwrite)
  "A general function to perform a command on region.
uncomment: Set t to uncomment the region before passing it to the command. 
comment  : Set t to comment-out the region after the command. 
overwrite: Set t to overwrite the region with the result of the command. 
           Otherwise the original region remains on top of the result.
  (let ((swap (< start end)) (exit-status))
    (if (not overwrite)
	(let ()
	  (kill-region start end)
	  (setq sp (point-marker))
	  (yank nil)
	  (setq ep (point-marker)))
      (let ()
	(goto-char start)
	(setq sp (point-marker))
	(goto-char end)	
	(setq ep (point-marker))))
    ;; uncomment the region
    (and uncomment (uncomment-region (marker-position sp) (marker-position ep))
    (goto-char (marker-position sp))	  
    (setq exit-status
	  ;; see describe-function
	  ;; error output is marged into standard output
	  (call-process-region (marker-position sp) (marker-position ep) shell-file-name t
			       (list t t)
			       nil shell-command-switch command))
    ;; swap the point and mark if necessary
    (and swap (goto-char (marker-position sp)))
    ;; yank the original contents
    (if (not overwrite)
	(let ()
	  (setq p1 (point-marker))
	  (yank nil) 	
	  (setq p2 (point-marker))
	  (and comment (comment-region (marker-position p1) (marker-position p2)))
	  (setq p1 nil)
	  (setq p2 nil)
    (setq sp nil)
    (setq ep nil)
;; Key bindings
(defun filter-command-region-keybindings ()
  "Set up default key bindings for filter-command-region, ..."
  (define-key global-map [(control ?!)] 'filter-command-region)
  (define-key global-map [(control meta ?#)] 'perform-command-region)
  (define-key global-map [(control meta ?!)] 'perform-command-region-comment))

リージョンを シェルコマンドの実行結果で置換

vi の ! コマンドに対応するコマンドを shell-command-on-region を簡略化して作ってみる.キモは call-process-region という組み込み関数.

;; replace specified region with output of 
;; a shell command against the content of the regon
(defun filter-command-region (start end command)
   (let (string)
     (unless (mark)
       (error "The mark is not set now, so there is no region"))
     ;; Do this before calling region-beginning
     ;; and region-end, in case subprocess output
     ;; relocates them while we are in the minibuffer.
     (setq string (read-from-minibuffer "Shell command on region: "
					nil nil nil
     ;; call-interactively recognizes region-beginning and
     ;; region-end specially, leaving them in the history.
     (list (region-beginning) (region-end)  string)))
  (let (exit-status)
    ;; Replace specified region with output from command.
    (let ((swap (< start end)))
      (goto-char start)
      (push-mark (point) 'nomsg)
      (setq exit-status
	    ;; see describe-function
	    ;; error output is marged into standard output
	    (call-process-region start end shell-file-name t
				 (list t t)
				 nil shell-command-switch command))
      ;; swap the point and mark if necessary
      (and swap (exchange-point-and-mark)))
(define-key global-map [(control ?!)] 'filter-command-region)

shell-command-on-region が M-! なので C-! で使えるようにしてみた.元のリージョンを上書きせずにコメントしてくれるほうが使いやすいかも…

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