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M-x re-builder

Meadow/emacs で正規表現にマッチする部分に色をつけたいときに使える.結構便利な気がする.

tramp を Meadow で使ってみる


(setq tramp-default-method "sshx")

を .emacs に追加して ssh 経由をデフォルトにしつつ, cygwin の ssh-agent でキー認証をかけておいて meadow をそのコマンドラインから起動.

落ちとしては,HOME の設定が meadow 用と cygwin 用で別々になっているため .emacs がうまく読まれなかったり,同じく HOME のせいで known_hosts へのキーの追加に失敗したり,キー追加確認用の YES/NO 選択で応答不能になったりと.

とりあえず HOME の設定を整理しようかなと思う.

Meadow で gzip 圧縮したファイルがそのまま開けた

そして保存時には gzip で圧縮してくれるらしい.こんな機能があったとは知らんかった.使い道があるかどうか微妙だけど…

Emacs Lisp をいじるの覚書 - プロパティというか face というか

テキストのプロパティは get-text-property で手に入る.face もプロパティなので (get-text-property (point) 'face) でカーソル位置の face がわかる.カーソル位置の face が適当な face だったら処理をするとかを次のように書ける.

(if (let ((prop (get-text-property (point) 'face))) (or (eq 'line-number-face prop) (eq 'over-under-full-face prop)))

これの場合 'line-number-face か 'over-under-full-face だったらなにかすると.

face の指定時に mouse-face を付けてあげるとマウスに反応して face を変えられる.font-lock-defaults に渡す font-lock-keywords のなかで,

(cons "\\(.*full*\\)\\(line.*\\)"
    '((1 over-under-full-face)
      (2 line-number-face)))


(cons "\\(.*full*\\)\\(line.*\\)"
  '((1 (progn
        (set-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
			    '(mouse-face highlight))
    (2 (progn
         (set-text-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)
 			    '(mouse-face highlight))

のようにプロパティを設定する関数 set-text-properties を呼ぶようにする.よくわからんが 1 とか 2 とかの数字はマッチした subexpression の番号らしい.あとは,マウスが押されたときに関数を呼ぶように mode の設定のとこで

(local-set-key [mouse-1] 'hogehoge-suru-function)


リージョンを シェルコマンドの実行結果で置換3

整理してこんな形になった.まだ微妙にあやしいけどそのうちちゃんと elisp を勉強しよう.

(defun filter-command-region (start end command)
  "Filter region by a command. 
The region is passed to the command as input.
The region is overwritten by the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on region (filtering): "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command nil nil t))
(defun perform-command-region (start end command) 
  "Perform a command on region.
The region is passed to the command as input.
The region remains on top of the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on region: "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command nil nil nil))
(defun perform-command-region-comment (start end command)
  "Perform a command on comment-region.
The region is uncommented and then passed to the command as input.
The comment-region remains on top of the result."
  (interactive (perfom-command-region-interactive-func
		"Shell command on commented region: "))
  (perform-command-region-general start end command t nil nil))
(defun perfom-command-region-interactive-func (msg)
"A general interaction function for perform-command-region-general..."
  (let (string)
    (unless (mark)
      (error "The mark is not set now, so there is no region"))
    ;; Do this before calling region-beginning
    ;; and region-end, in case subprocess output
    ;; relocates them while we are in the minibuffer.
    (setq string (read-from-minibuffer msg
				       nil nil nil
    ;; call-interactively recognizes region-beginning and
    ;; region-end specially, leaving them in the history.
    (list (region-beginning) (region-end)  string)))
;; perform a command on region.
(defun perform-command-region-general (start end command uncomment comment overwrite)
  "A general function to perform a command on region.
uncomment: Set t to uncomment the region before passing it to the command. 
comment  : Set t to comment-out the region after the command. 
overwrite: Set t to overwrite the region with the result of the command. 
           Otherwise the original region remains on top of the result.
  (let ((swap (< start end)) (exit-status))
    (if (not overwrite)
	(let ()
	  (kill-region start end)
	  (setq sp (point-marker))
	  (yank nil)
	  (setq ep (point-marker)))
      (let ()
	(goto-char start)
	(setq sp (point-marker))
	(goto-char end)	
	(setq ep (point-marker))))
    ;; uncomment the region
    (and uncomment (uncomment-region (marker-position sp) (marker-position ep))
    (goto-char (marker-position sp))	  
    (setq exit-status
	  ;; see describe-function
	  ;; error output is marged into standard output
	  (call-process-region (marker-position sp) (marker-position ep) shell-file-name t
			       (list t t)
			       nil shell-command-switch command))
    ;; swap the point and mark if necessary
    (and swap (goto-char (marker-position sp)))
    ;; yank the original contents
    (if (not overwrite)
	(let ()
	  (setq p1 (point-marker))
	  (yank nil) 	
	  (setq p2 (point-marker))
	  (and comment (comment-region (marker-position p1) (marker-position p2)))
	  (setq p1 nil)
	  (setq p2 nil)
    (setq sp nil)
    (setq ep nil)
;; Key bindings
(defun filter-command-region-keybindings ()
  "Set up default key bindings for filter-command-region, ..."
  (define-key global-map [(control ?!)] 'filter-command-region)
  (define-key global-map [(control meta ?#)] 'perform-command-region)
  (define-key global-map [(control meta ?!)] 'perform-command-region-comment))

リージョンを シェルコマンドの実行結果で置換

vi の ! コマンドに対応するコマンドを shell-command-on-region を簡略化して作ってみる.キモは call-process-region という組み込み関数.

;; replace specified region with output of 
;; a shell command against the content of the regon
(defun filter-command-region (start end command)
   (let (string)
     (unless (mark)
       (error "The mark is not set now, so there is no region"))
     ;; Do this before calling region-beginning
     ;; and region-end, in case subprocess output
     ;; relocates them while we are in the minibuffer.
     (setq string (read-from-minibuffer "Shell command on region: "
					nil nil nil
     ;; call-interactively recognizes region-beginning and
     ;; region-end specially, leaving them in the history.
     (list (region-beginning) (region-end)  string)))
  (let (exit-status)
    ;; Replace specified region with output from command.
    (let ((swap (< start end)))
      (goto-char start)
      (push-mark (point) 'nomsg)
      (setq exit-status
	    ;; see describe-function
	    ;; error output is marged into standard output
	    (call-process-region start end shell-file-name t
				 (list t t)
				 nil shell-command-switch command))
      ;; swap the point and mark if necessary
      (and swap (exchange-point-and-mark)))
(define-key global-map [(control ?!)] 'filter-command-region)

shell-command-on-region が M-! なので C-! で使えるようにしてみた.元のリージョンを上書きせずにコメントしてくれるほうが使いやすいかも…

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