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NP_SyntaxHighlighter を試す

http://wakka.xiffy.nl/syntaxhighlighter より入手.

PEARText_Highlighter を使っているらしい.とりあえず pre タグでソースを書いてしまうので div でなく pre にクラスを書いて動くように修正.このプラグイン無しでも普通に表示できるようにHTMLエスケープされた文字列を食うように変更.ついでに,<?php と ?> で囲まれてない php もハイライトするうにあほな修正を入れてみた.

   function parseString(&$content) {
      $chk = ' class="highlight';
      if (strpos($content['body'],$chk) > 0 ||  strpos($content['more'],$chk) > 0) {
         if ($this->_setupPEAR()) {
            $supportedRules = $this->getOption('highlight_rules');
            $supported_highlighter = explode(',',$supportedRules);
            if (is_array($supported_highlighter)) {
               foreach ($supported_highlighter AS $key=>$syntax) {
                   $supported_highlighter[$key] = trim(strtolower($syntax));
            } else {
               // fallback with default settings
               $supported_highlighter = $this->supported_highlighter;
            $this->counter = 1;
            $highlight_str = '';
            $content_part = array('body','more');
            foreach ($content_part as $key) {
               // now check for all allowed syntax highlighter
               foreach ($supported_highlighter AS $syntax) {
                  $pattern = "/<pre class=\"highlight_".$syntax."\">(.*?)<\/pre>/esi";
                  $replacement = "\$this->highlight_code('\\1','".$syntax."')";
                  $content[$key] = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$content[$key]);
            } // end content_part
         } else {
            doError('Check your settings - can not include PEAR::Text_Highlighter');
         // some cleanup code
   function highlight_code($string, $mode)
      // remove possible br tags from nucleus automatic linebreak convertion
      $string = preg_replace('/<br \/>[\n|\r| ]/', '', $string);
      $string = stripslashes($string);
      $string = str_replace ( array ( '&amp;' , '&quot;', '&apos;' , '&lt;' , '&gt;', '&apos;' ), array ( '&', '"', "'", '<', '>', '?' ), $string );
      $va = strpos($string, "<?");
      if(strcmp($mode, 'php')==0 &&  ($va==FALSE || $va > 5)) {
    $normflag = true;
    $string = "<?php ".$string."?>";
      // check is there a cached object
      if (!isset($this->hl[$mode])) {
         // create new highlighter object
         $options = array('tag' => $this->tag_mode,'numbers'=>$this->line_numbers);
         $this->hl[$mode] = & Text_Highlighter::factory($mode,$options);
      // retrieve highlighted string
      $highlight_str = $this->hl[$mode]->highlight($string);
      // if higlight_mode == save add a dummy id to exclude from further parsing
      $checkid = '';
      if ($this->rendermode == 'save') {
          $checkid = 'id="np_hl_'.$this->counter.'" ';
      // enclose with div container
      //$highlight_str = '<div '.$checkid.'class="highlight_'.$mode.'">'.$highlight_str.'</div>';
      $highlight_str = $highlight_str;
    $highlight_str = str_replace("<span class=\"hl-inlinetags\">?&gt;</span>", "", $highlight_str);    
    $highlight_str = preg_replace("/(<span class=\"hl-inlinetags\">)?&lt;\\?php *\n(<\\/span>)?/", "", $highlight_str);    
      return $highlight_str;


Text_highlighter を新しくしたら <?php の後の空白とかの扱いが変わったらしい.なので最後のほうをちょっと書き換え.

    $highlight_str = preg_replace("/(<span class=\"hl-inlinetags\">)?<\\?php *(<\\/span>)?(<.*?>) *\n/", "\\3", $highlight_str);

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